
Ancient Hotspot Shaped Formation of the Great Lakes

Recent research reveals that a mantle hotspot, now located beneath the Cape Verde Islands, played a pivotal role in forming the Great Lakes region over 300 million years ago.

Yellowstone Supervolcano: Study Confirms No Immediate Eruption Risk

A new study shows that Yellowstone’s magma levels are insufficient for a major eruption, providing reassurance about the supervolcano's current activity.

Volcanic Sulfur: The Hidden Key to Rich Gold Deposits

New research reveals that sulfur emissions from ancient volcanic activity played a pivotal role in concentrating gold into rich ore deposits, offering valuable insights for mining and geology.

Massive Fault Discovered Beneath America’s Tallest Mountain

Beneath Denali, North America's tallest mountain, lies a massive geological fault whose origins have puzzled scientists—until now. A groundbreaking study sheds light on how this hidden fault formed.


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